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Oct. 24, 2019

Leon Jones, Author, Founder of Peruvian Jones Publishing

Leon Jones, Author, Founder of Peruvian Jones Publishing

Leon was a successful Atlanta businessman, having been in the book publishing space for many years. He has authored a number of books, including:

Are you up there Mr. Jesus
All Are Precious In His Sight - January 2016;
Searching For the Virgin Mary - April 2019; and
Miracle in Peru: Odyssey of the Reluctant Disciple - August 2019.

In 1998, the course of his life changed after the Lifelink Network For Children asked him to accompany them on a trip to Peru. He soon found that God had a new path for him.

Though he was making more money than he had ever hoped to make, the image of the indigenous Peruvian children kept tugging at my heart. So, he shut down his business, sold his house, and returned to Peru

Senior Leo, as he was affectionately called, started a Wawa Wasi (free daycare center), a free milk program for 200 kids, a teenage girl's volleyball team to help combat pregnancy, and a home for abandoned children.

You can learn more about "Senior Leo" by visiting his website at

Please look for his books on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Leon-Jones/e/B0042L24XY

Link to Success InSight Podcast: https://www.successinsightpodcast.com/2019/10/leon-jones.html